Sunday, 13 February 2011

Oh no,red mites again!

I was so disappointed when I checked on the hens on Friday, I could see quite clearly that the red mites were back. They are blood sucking insects which debilitate the hens, We had an infestation last year and we were able  to eradicate them eventually by trying different methods. The most effective method for us was to use smoke ' bombs', which fumigates the area and kills the bugs. The problem is that  the eggs are laid in the roof ( the roost is one of our Victorian brick outbuildings with a tiled roof) and because of this they are difficult to eradicate. We used two bombs and are keeping our fingers crossed!
I have finished making some stripey mittens, I am unlikely to make any more of these, as although they are easy to make and look really good, they are very time consuming because of all the different wool changes which have to be weaved in and all the different components which make them up. In fact I think it actually takes longer to finish them up than it does to knit them!
On the other hand (excuse the pun!) the slouchy hat just finished in a lovely pale pink chunky wool was so easy to make and also looks really good.
I am now in the process of making two different cushion covers, one in aran which I have made previously in cream and a new pattern, in a pale green cotton yarn. The middle pattern is called cobnut and the outside panels are double moss stitch. The colour is not really a good representation, it is more of a pastel baby green and it is knitting up beautifully. Can't wait to see what it looks like finished!

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