Friday 9 March 2012

Love is in the air!

If spring is not here yet it is blooming well on it's way! From my window I watch the frisky bunnies with their little white tails bobbing up and down as they chase each other round and round, they look so sweet! And on the other side of the field is Mr ' I am a very handsome' pheasant, equally frisky, busily trying to persuade two pretty little pea hens that he is the one for them! I guess they aren't having any of it because they keep running away! Such is love!
Talking of love, I am not very popular with Louis, Spike and Tiff the three Melmore feline cuties. Yesterday was the day for the flea spot treatment ( all cat lovers will know what this entails and is a moment to to be dreaded).Tiff was easy to do as she is now quite elderly and a bit on the pudgy side so she can't be bothered to make a fuss, but the other two, what a nightmare, you would think I was trying to kill them! Special tactics have to be employed. A towel is surreptitiously picked up, I walk towards them looking the other way and then I pounce. Gotchya! Legs everywhere, quick tuck them in, oh no I have been scratched, never mind on with the task. Holding him with one hand (while he is doing his hardest to get out) and with the other doing the dirty deed on the back of the neck! Now for the other one, who not being stupid has shot away in the opposite direction, ah well do him later when he leasts expects it!

I am steaming ahead, (well not quite steaming) with knitting the aran cable sweater. The cable and bobbles are really easy to do and I can cope with knitting this and watching the telly!
I love browsing around the charity shops and the other day I managed to pick up this lovely Wade vase.
 You never know what might catch  your eye and I was really pleased to spot this, it has a little green framework in which to insert the flower stems. It will look so pretty with dainty little flowers like sweet peas arranged in it.

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